
GUYA-banoWhat is guyabano?

Found in warm tropical areas of the world is a tree called Graviola which produces the food under discussion; Guyabano. If you are wondering what a guyabano is, don't feel left out. Not a lot of people know what a guyabano is, but now that you have stumbled across this article, you really must know all about this fruit that is laden with health benefits. Guyabano is a natural medical tool that can help you prevent cancer – yes, cancer – among other health advantages.

Health benefits of guyabano

Now that you are all curious about this fruit that you didn't know about (or you probably did, but still, read on), here are a few of the health benefits that science has managed to discover associated with guyabano/

The biggest benefit you can gain from this fruit is of course, prevention of cancer. We know how chemotherapy is perhaps a cancer's patient biggest hope, but science has proven that guyabano is somewhere around 10,000 times more effective than a certain chemotherapy medicine. The fruit is known to kill and fight the cancer cells in your body!

Any other benefit might seem trivial in front of possible cure to cancer, but one must know all possibilities where this fruit can come in handy as well. So if you or someone you know suffers from arthritis, know that guyabano can help alleviate the pain.

The fruit is laden with Vitamin C (over 75%), which can help reduce the harmful bacteria that may be present in a person's urinary tract.

If you have frequent leg cramps, start consuming guyabano, because the potassium will help you eliminate the cramps.

Migraines, headaches, respiratory issues, iron deficiency or fever, you name it, and this fruit has a curing property.

Possible side effects of guyabano?

Completely replacing your diet with guyabano will definitely not be a good option. Guyabano bark, leaves and seeds contain anonaine which is high on hydrocyanic acid. This acid is poisonous and can be especially dangerous for young kids and lactating and pregnant women, especially if taken in abundance.

Annonacin found in guyabano are also known to develop Parkinson disease in some consumers. So if a person has possible links to Parkinson's disease, avoid tempting them with this fruit.

Should I or should I not consume guyabano?

I know it's a little confusing, but don't be sad about the side effects of the fruit. If consumed in a reasonable fashion and with care, guyabano is a highly beneficial fruit. So of course, you should eat guyabano but with caution and knowledge about its properties and possible side effects if you are already diagnosed with some disease.

All in all, just go ahead and enjoy this tasty fruit without worrying too much!

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