
sambongWhat is Sambong?

Sambong is actually an herb, widely used for making medicines and scientifically named Blumea balsamifera. This herbal medicine needs tropical climate to grow and is therefore commonly available in sub-tropical areas of Asia. The herbal plant is mostly used in Philippine and it was termed 'Sambong' from there only. It works as a diuretic agent and its leaf can be used in cold and hypertension. It is locally available by many different names, and while some call it bukadkad, others call it sobsob, subsub, subusob.

Properties of Sambong

Sambong is a shrub and can grow up to 4 meters in height and has yellow flowering heads with a length of 6mm. Sambong has broad leafs, it is half woody, its base is divided and the surface is soft and hairy. The fruit ripped from sambong has only 1 seed in it. This little shrub is known to treat and cure many illnesses such as a headache, however, it should be noted that no prominent practitioner has ever backed this claim. Nevertheless, let's take a look the health benefits of Sambong and how useful it can be to us.

Health Benefits of Sambong

Sambong is used as a medicine and is considered a medicinal plant that can be used in the treatment of many diseases and infections. Sambong is mostly used in the treatment of kidney stones because it functions as a diuretic agent which helps the kidneys to function properly. Because of its property as diuretic agent, it also helps to control high blood pressure by disposing excess water and salt out of the body. Which by the way, also cures urinary tract infections. This herb can be used in tea for the treatment of colds and can prevent diarrhoea. Many people also use this herb on wounds to prevent them from getting infected. The consumption of this plant helps in reducing hypertension and its crushed leaves can be applied to the forehead to get rid of headaches. In china a small quantity of Sambong is added in every traditional medicine. It is used for the same purpose in India as well as Philippines where doctors suggest this herb as an alternative to medicines for multiple diseases.

Health benefits aside, man people use this dry plant as a decorative plant to adorn their gardens, terrace and much more. Basically, it's a multipurpose plant!

Where can I get sambong (Blumea balsamifera)?

It is widely available in tropical and sub-tropical regions of Asia but it is mostly used in Philippine, India, Africa and eastern Himalayas. It is also available in the form of tablets in medical stores and can be found in some oils and creams.

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