
OreganoWhat is oregano?

Oregano is a herb: a bushy, green leafy plant that is used for medicinal purposes, to make various teas and is also used extensively in cooking, particularly Mediterannean dishes.  Additionally, it is often used on pizza and in tomato-based recipes.  Oregano is easy to grow and is happy in a wide range of climates, which makes it ideal for a home herb garden wherever you are in the world.

What are the properties/qualities of oregano?

Oregano is really amazing.  Asides from adding a great flavour to cooking, oregano is an antioxidant, has high levels of vitamins A, B6, C, E, K, contains folate which is used to construct DNA/RNA cells, contains magnesium, copper, fibre, potassium, calcium and also has anti-inflammatory properties as well as helping the respiratory process particularly by breaking down phlegm in the lungs and also improves the digestive system.  Oregano also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

has also been shown to improve digestion, boost the immune system, help to break down phlegm in the lungs and

What can oregano be used to treat?

Asthma: when brewed in tea or ingested, oregano helps to reduce the levels of phlegm in the lungs.

Colds, flus, fever: Likewise, teas made with oregano can help.

Cancer: there is some evidence that oregano is one of the herbs that can boost the body's chances of resisting cancer.

Diarrhoea or digestion problems: oregano has been shown to help improve the flow of waste around the digestive system.

Where can I get oregano?

Oregano is readily available almost everywhere and can be grown at home almost anywhere in the world, but if you do not have a plant nearby, it can also be bought in any supermarket as a herb or in natural health stores.

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