
What is banaba?

LagerstroemBanaba is a flowering tree that can originally be found in the Philippines and India. It is scientifically known as lagerstroemia (you can ignore that though), and can also be found in Taiwan and Japan. Banaba trees are woody plants with sturdy barks that sheds in chunks throughout the year. The dried part of the plant is used as herbal medicine in India, Southeast Asia and the Philippines.

Properties of banaba

It has been reported that Banaba trees can grow up to 30 feet high containing pink and lavender flowers. The leaves can grow up to 3 inches in width and 7 inches in length, while some trees can grow as much as 400 feet tall. The moist green fruits turn black or dark brown when they ripen and when fully ripe, the fruit splits open to release a huge amount of seeds. Its leaf contains corosolic acid which can keep a control on the blood's sugar level in a human body. Corosolic acid contains hypoglycemic activity which translated to layman language means lowering of the blood glucose level. Studies have shown that it can lower sugar levels within 60 minutes of consumption. In China researchers tested corosolic acid against cervical cancer cells and discovered that it stimulated the release of cancer cell killing enzymes resulting in death of cancer cells. There are many other health benefits banaba offer, so read on to find out.

What can Banaba be used to cure/treat?

For thousands of years Banaba has been used to treat digestive problems, kidney inflammation and diabetes. The Banaba leaf was often used to brew tea, but now it can also be found in supplementary form. Lack of pharmacological and toxicity data suggests that Banaba should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation. The fruit can also be used to treat health issues like obesity and high cholesterol level. It has been shown that there is a 10-15% decrease in blood sugar levels within 2 hours of intake. Banaba also controls appetite and food cravings especially carbohydrates cravings. Corosolic acid improves insulin activity decreases serum triglycerides and facilitate weight loss.

Diabetic patients who take medications like insulin should not use Banaba however, unless under medical supervision.

Where can I get Banaba?

As Banaba is not found in most parts of the world except India and Philippines, it is used as a dietary supplement. However the Banaba bush has now been introduced to regions with warmer climates. Now it is commonly found in France, Italy and the southern regions of the United States. Anyone considering the use of Banaba must first consult his/her personal physician though.

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#1: Guest #1149 (Donald) - at 06:24 on 15 Oct 2020

Can this tree the banaba tree be brought in Melbourne Victoria Australia