
What is tawas?

Tawas is the Philippines name for aluminium potassium sulphate, also known as potash alum or potassium alum.  There are many types of alum in the alum family.  An alum is a compound that is made up from an alkali metal and a trivalent metal, in this case aluminium and potassium, and is acidic.

Tawas (also called aluminium potassium sulfate/potash alum/potassium alum) comes either as a crystal or as powder.

Properties of tawas?

Tawas is astringent, meaning that it shrinks body tissues.  This can be very helpful for healing cuts or other skin infections.  Tawas is hypoallergenic, so therefore unlikely to cause allergic reactions and also has antiseptic and antibacterial qualities, making it particularly useful at killing bacteria that creates bad smells and therefore makes an amazing natural body deodorant.

What is tawas used for?

The most popular use of tawas at home is as a natural body deodorant or natural under-arm-put deodorant.  The tawas can be mixed with water and applied to the body after showering.  Powdered tawas may also be put into trainers to remove bad odours and tawas mixed with water can be used as a handwash to remove the smell of garlic and onions.  As it is an astringent, you should not really use it constantly as it could dry out and irritate skin if used excessively.

Tawas is possibly the most effective healer of mouth ulcers.  The powder should be applied directly to the mouth ulcer and allowed to dry.

As an anti-bacterial and antiseptic astringent, tawas can be used to treat open cuts helping them to heal more quickly and to prevent infection and as a soother after shaving or waxing.  Be warned that it is a salt so may be painful.

Tawas has been known to aid the healing process of hemorrhoids when mixed in one part tawas to five parts of water.

Potassium alum is also used in water filtration, particularly in poorer areas of some Asian countries.  The alum is placed in water and causes all the dirt to clog together so that the water can be easily strained/filtered.

Various other forms of alum have been used in water filtration units and historically as dyes, particularly for leather, soil fertilisation, hair styling gel, killing garden slugs, in vaccinations, in fire extinguishers and as a fire retardant chemical when treating different synthetic materials and is also sometimes used as a preservative or as a pickle for various foods.

Are there any dangers and side effects of using tawas?

Tawas should be considered very safe, it is a naturally-occurring product that apparently makes up 8% of the Earth, falling behind only oxygen and silicon, but there is some degree of evidence that suggests that over consumption of tawas may be linked to male fertility.  Small doses are harmless but be careful not to ingest large quantities.

Where can I get/buy/find tawas?

In many countries in Asia it is readily available and can be bought from street-side markets or over the counter in pharmacies.  For example, in Philippines most markets have a supply of tawas and in particular markets next to churches such as Quiapo Church or Baclaran Church.

In the west tawas or potassium/potash alum can be found in some supermarkets in the spices section, bought over the counter in chemists/pharmacies or failing that, can be bought online.

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#2: Guest #1084 (Sandy Kerns) - at 12:07 on 08 Oct 2019

I was told by an elderly friend who worked in a book bindery she kept a piece of alum rock in her apron pocket so her legs would not chafe from the heat in the shop. Where can I purchase a rock for my over weight Grandaughter.

#1: Guest #201 (Sandy) - at 19:41 on 27 Mar 2016

Tawas is really amazing! I have used tawas many times as I am a long-term suffering from mouth ulcers and it can really, really sting, but does seem to make the ulcers go away a bit more quickly than normal.