
GuavaWhat is guava?

Guavas are commonly available in Asian countries and now its availability is greatly increasing in the western world. There's a low probability that you do not know what guava is, but just in case, it is an incredibly healthy fruit and which is not only beneficial for your skin, but also many other health issues. There is a famous saying about guavas; a few guavas in the season keeps the doctor away for the whole year. It's probably borrowed from a familiar saying about apples, but it stands true nevertheless.

Properties of Guava

Guavas are usually 4 to 12 centimetres in length and is oval or pear shaped depending on its specie. Its fragrance is similar to lemon rind. The outer skin of guava is slight rough and is green in the early stage of maturity and turns yellow when ripe. You can however enjoy the fruit in both states unless too ripe or too fresh. The taste can be sour or sweet depending on its state. The seeds in the pulp of guava vary in number and structure depending upon different species. While most guavas have a white pulp, some are pink in colour and supposedly taste better.

Guavas contains dietary fibre and vitamin c and a moderate level of folic acid in it. It is actually a low calorie profile fruit used in dieting. Does that mean guavas have any health benefits? Of course.

What can guava be used to cure/treat?

Guavas are one of the most beneficial fruit for human health. They are rich in Vitamin C that helps improve immunity and protects your body from various types of infections. Secondly, it helps in the treating constipation since it contains a healthy amount of dietary fibre which is beneficial for the digestive system and is widely used for maintaining weight thanks to protein and fibres. Vitamins like B3 and B6 are also present in guava and these vitamins are good for your brain and help in improving the blood circulation to and from the brain.

Vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants present in the fruit actually keeps your skin from ageing. This is perhaps one of the biggest advantages of consuming this fruit on a regular basis; keeping your skin wrinkle free. It is also used for patients of high blood pressure as it controls the rising pressure by reducing the cholesterol from the blood and prevents it from thickening. There are numerous other benefits this fruit holds in its chambers. The leaf of guava, for example, helps in reducing toothaches and protects our gums. It can also be used to cure colds, cough as well as control diabetes.

Where can I get guava?

It is commonly available in all parts of Asian countries and cultivated in many tropical and subtropical countries. Guava originated from Central America and was distributed to Caribbean regions and tropical America. It is seasonally available from the end of the November till the mid of April and in its season it is commonly present in every store.

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