
maluny-gayWhat is malunggay?

Malunggay, also known by its scientific name, Moringa Oleifera, is a plant that grows in tropical regions like Phillipines, Africa and India and popular for its herbal uses and nutritional values. It is widely used as a cooking ingredient and for several herbal purposes. A Malunggay tree, if you have ever come across one, can grow up to 9 meters in height with its white erect trunks. A compound leaf on a Malunggay tree has around 4 to 10 leaflets.

If you are how wondering how to grow a malunggay tree, the process is simple. You just plant a malunggay seed one inch in the ground or plant stem cuttings in the ground. Planting a matured stem cutting is a faster way to grow a tree. One of the benefits of planting a malunngay seedling is that it is drought resistant so even if you fail to water it for a couple of days it will still survive.

Properties of Malunggay

Malunggay leaves contain huge quantities of nutrients like Vitamins and minerals. It contain phosphorus, calcium, proteins, fibre and ascorbic acid as well which makes this plant a powerhouse of health benefits. If we compare malunggay with other nutritious fruits, it has higher amounts of Vitamin C than Oranges, more protein and Calcium than milk, and more Vitamin A and Potassium than Carrots and Bananas respectively. Malunggay leaves are eaten as vegetable in many parts of the world. Its leaves are cooked before eating but they can be consumed raw as well. People use them in salads and soups as well.

What can malunggay be used to treat?

In third world countries malunggay is widely used to fight against malnutrition as it contains high amounts of Vitamin A, B and C as well as Calcium, iron and proteins. It was found that malunggay also has anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties. One of the most astonishing facts about malunggay is that it contains chemicals which are resistant to tumours and is considered as treatment for skin and prostate cancer. One of its more traditional uses is to treat and prevent arthritis and joint pains that are caused by inflammation. Malunggay leaves have also been used as a way to control diabetes and high blood pressure in patients.

Where can I buy malunggay?

It grows all over the Philippines and is available throughout the year. It grows in tropical climates and can also be found in India and Africa. But despite the fact that it is mostly found in tropical regions of the world, you can get malunggay plants from an herbal store near you.

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