
asthmaWhat is asthma?

Do you sometimes feel your chest tighten and your breaths are short and you cough and wheeze? That might be asthma. It can be triggered by a whole lot of different things all aimed at inflaming the airway; that is when you start to wheeze, and cough, and your chest tightens, and you struggle to breath. Asthma can be mild, moderate or chronic, and it comes up anytime without warning. So you might want to take extra care if you are prone to asthma. More importantly, you need to be observant at all time to be able to track what triggers your asthma.

What are the causes of asthma?

The most common causes of asthma are airborne allergies (dust mites, pollen grains, molds, or insects). But there are also other forms of allergies that can trigger asthma in each person; such as different food types, drug (especially sulphur in drugs), and chemical allergies can also trigger asthma. Respiratory problems like cold or flu can trigger asthma. Strenuous physical activities, exercises, irritants like smoke, and weather conditions are all possible causes of asthma.

Symptoms of asthma

There are some signs and symptoms that indicate the presence of asthma. Some of these symptoms show at the very early stage. Frequent coughing at night or in the early hours of the morning is one of the symptoms. These coughs can be as serious as giving you a sleepless night. Another symptom is shortness of breath. There are times you may need a deep breath to relax and refresh, this is something that is difficult for asthmatic patients during their crisis. They do not get that relaxing effect when they take a deep breath; as a matter of fact they cannot take deep breaths. Their breath is short and they labour to breath in a really restless way. They also make this whistling kind of sound when they breathe out as a result of the difficulty involved with breathing through an inflamed airway.

Natural treatments of asthma

Here are some natural remedies which you can employ to help with asthma situations

- Yoga: When you do yoga, you learn to control your breathing and reduce stress. If you do it often enough, it becomes part of you and will naturally be of great help should you have to go through asthma crisis.

- Acupuncture: Doing this over time will help increase your level of relaxation; something that is very important to asthmatic patients.

- Asthma diets: You can do yourself a great favour by avoiding food that may contain anything you are allergic to. Restrict your diet to asthma diets; that is foods that you can comfortably eat without fear of triggering your asthma. Every asthma sufferer may have a different ideal diet that is particular to them.

- Herbs and natural supplements: Omega 3 fatty acids and anti-oxidant supplements are great in relieving asthma. All you need do is take these herbs and supplements as often as possible. Good enough, most of them do not have side effect. However, always apply caution.

- Biofeedback: Asthmatic patients find it difficult to control their heart rate when experiencing crisis. Biofeedback is a way of controlling ones heart rate and can be helpful to asthmatic patients.

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