
cancerWhat causes cancer?

As a matter of fact, cancer is either hereditary or developed after birth; and is basically caused by DNA mutation. Substances that cause DNA mutation are called mutagens, and cancerous mutagens are called carcinogens. That is to say that not all DNA mutations lead to cancer. There are some things that can trigger these DNA mutations, aside being born with it. Quick question; do you know that an unhealthy lifestyle can cause cancer? Plenty and careless alcohol intake, excessive use of tobacco, diet factor, lack of exercise, even your weight; these are all carcinogens. When you do not care about your lifestyle, it can increase your chances of getting cancer. Other causes of cancer include exposure to UV radiation, x-rays, gamma rays, micro waves, radio waves, pollutant, and some sorts of medical treatments. Truth is, we cannot do without some of these things; but then, they are not outrightly carcinogens if moderation is applied. So if you unavoidably and reasonably have to come in contact or use these carcinogens, then you will do yourself a world of good to apply moderation. Age is also a factor that can increase the risks of cancer.

Symptoms of cancer

The symptoms may vary from one cancer to the other considering that cancer is of different types, and can be influenced by gender in some cases. That notwithstanding, some general symptoms of cancer include bloody poo and pee, unexplained loss of weight, coughing, chest pain, fever, fatigue, skin changes, strange bowel habits, sores that will not heal, and mouth or tongue ulcers - generally, anything unusual. It might be symptom of something else too, of course!

Natural cure for cancer

You probably do not know this but there are natural ways of curing cancer asides the conventional chemotherapy.

Here are some of the natural remedies

- Cesium chloride: This substance is a mineral salt, and when combined with a certain nutritional plan, it balances the body's pH level. This effectively adjusts the ailing cells and brings them back to normal.
- The Gerson therapy: Dr Max Gerson found a very effective and natural way of treating cancer close to a century ago. The deal is to take natural supplements (like Lugol’s solution, potassium compound, and thyroid hormones), raw fruit or vegetable juice, beef lever, coffee enemas, and organic plant foods. The Gerson therapy activates the extraordinary ability for one's body to heal itself.
- Vitamin-C chalation therapy: This is the use of soma natural compounds to remove toxic metals from the body. It is highly pro-oxidant and provides antioxidant effect for a long while. It is used in the treatment of cancer, and is exceedingly good when combined with foods rich in vitamin C.
- Indian frankincense essential oil: This oil influences one’s gene to promote healing. It is specifically good for stomach cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
- The consumption of gayuobano and fresh coconut water have also been said to create an environment in the body that cancer struggles to survive in.

More natural way of treating cancer
- Probiotic foods and supplements
- Sunshine and Vitamin D3
- Turmeric combined with cur-cumin
- Hyperbaric chamber and oxygen therapy
- Immune boosting mushrooms

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