
What is laryngitis?

There is a part of the throat known as the larynx located just above the wind pipe. The larynx has vocal cords or voice box which helps us to make the sounds we make when we sing or talk. When your vocal cords or voice box get inflamed, you are said to have laryngitis. This inflammation will make your voice hoarse, raspy, and low in pitch. So, simply put, laryngitis is the alteration in the sound of one's voice as a result of inflamed vocal cords. Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. Acute laryngitis lasts only for a short term, usually less than two to three weeks, while chronic laryngitis lasts for a long term, more than three weeks. Scientifically, when laryngitis lasts more than three weeks, it is termed dysphonia; and is considered a serious health problem.

What causes laryngitis?

Laryngitis has different causes depending on the type of laryngitis in question. If it is an acute or short term laryngitis, the cause can be viral as in cold or flu. Other causes of acute laryngitis are overuse and prolonged straining of the vocal cords (by yelling), and bacterial infection of the larynx. The causes of chronic or long term laryngitis could be cancer, over exposure to irritants or allergies, old age, recurrent sinus infections, acid reflux or smoking.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Some symptoms of laryngitis include a tickling sensation in your throat, fever, cough, the impulse to constantly clear your throat, laboured breathing, difficulty in swallowing food, loss of appetite, and hoarseness of the voice or weakness of the voice.

Natural treatments for laryngitis

If you notice any sign/symptoms of laryngitis (or any other sickness), it is important that you take action towards alleviating the problem immediately, or you might have to face an even bigger problem which, most definitely will cost more time, more money, and more problems to treat. Here are some homemade/herbal treatments for laryngitis

- Salt water gargle: Salt has antibacterial qualities which can kill bacteria and virus, plus it reduces soreness and swelling. Mix half tea spoon of salt in a glass of warm drinking water. Use this saline solution to gargle your “throat” three to four times in a day. Make sure it is your throat you are working on not just your mouth.

- Apple cider vinegar: There are some antibacterial properties in apple cider vinegar thus it is good for the treatment of laryngitis. Mix one quarter of a glass of vinegar with four teaspoons of teaspoon. Consume this mixture three times or more in a day. Another way of using apple cider vinegar to treat laryngitis is by mixing half cup of apple cider vinegar in half cup of warm water and gargle your throat with it three to four times daily.

- Turmeric: Turmeric reduces soreness and inflammation. You can mix turmeric with a glass of milk and take it two to three times daily.

There are a host of other ways of treating laryngitis. The key is to get any of these to the affected area. You can choose to ingest, mix with warm water and gargle your throat with it, or mix them with any other liquid of your choice and drink. You can also make tea out of some of the herbs and drink.
- Honey
- Lemon juice or tea
- Soups
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Couch grass
- Steam inhalation
- Eucalyptus
- Liquorice root
- Anise seeds
- Raisins

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